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Nota Fique Atento

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Nota Fique Atento  Empty Nota Fique Atento

Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:01 am

Pessoal ouvir dize que muintos as vezes nao reconhece suas skills reclamações do tipo "ah minha skill nao funcionava assim"
percebo atravez de players que ainda existe muinto pouca info por parte dos proprios players
Quando falamos de um update como Freya , Gracia dentre outros nao estamos falando apenas de novas areas novas skill e novos monstros. Tabem e alterado varias skills existentes feitas em sua maioria por parte dos coreanos e gringos nosso server e baseado no em relação as controle de skills e e controle de classes atributos etc.
Quando uma skill e alterado seus status power e etc no original nao e brincadeira e para que seja feito um controle entre classes.

Vou mostrar alguns exemplos.

Sei que muitos vierao de servidores interlude fiquem atentos o que mudou ao longo de varios update

The Kamael
Update em skills existente:
Como nao tenho muinto tempo vou traduzir rapido desculpa pelos errors se houver.

Debuff skill durations have been adjusted.
Duração dos debuff ajustados
DoT skill effects have been significantly increased.
Skills com efeitos de DOT valor almentado do DOT significativamente
The effect of evading physical skills is now added to Ultimate Evasion skill.
O efeito da evasao ou algo parecido foi adicionando uma skill Ultimate Evasion agora sera aplicado somente a essa skill eu acredito que seja isso rsrs
The Erase skill's re-use time has been increased.
A skill Erase foi almentado o tempo de reuso dela
The Shield Mastery skill increases shield defense power.
Skills de defesa shild mastery passive acredito foi almentado o poder de defesa
The Bless Shield skill’s increased shield defense rate has been reduced slightly.
Skill bless shild almenta shild defesa foi diminuido
The Shield Stun attack now increases the target’s aggressiveness.
Shild stun almenta a agressividade do individuo que ta levando porrada
The Advanced Block skill’s increased shield defense power has been reduced slightly.
A skill avanced block almenta o shild def mais e diminui mais o poder algo do tipo
Sonic Focus and Focused Force can now collect energy up to grade 8.
Sonic Focus agora acumula mais energia para 8
Plainswalkers' Critical Chance skill level has been increased.
como o nome ja diz almenta crit almentado a chance
Abyss Walkers’ Critical Power skill level has been increased.
Abyss almenta o critico
The Frenzy skill’s increased power is now reduced if the character’s HP goes above 30%.
Skils de gelo Frezy agora reduz o HP do individuo em 30% (meu deuss)
The power of Aggression and Aura of Hate skills have been significantly increased, as well as their reuse time. It has also been changed so that it is not affected by attack speed improvement buffs.
O power das skills citadas almentado significativamente e o tempo de reuso delas tambem e nao e afetados por buffs Improvements
The Vengeance skill’s aggression power has been increased significantly.
Skills citadas almentado a agressao significativamente
The chance to evade critical damage has been added to the Light Armor Mastery skill that can be learned by Rogues, Elven Scounts, Assassins, and Monks.
as chances de evade crirical dano foi almentado para light armo mastery podem ser lidas por todas as classes citadas
The received critical damage reduction effect has been added to the Heavy Armor Mastery skill that can be learned by Knights, Elven Knights, and Palus Knights.
Dano critico recebido por heavy armor foi reduzido lidos pelas classes acima citados
The Riposte Stance, Physical Mirror, and the Magical Mirror skills can now reflect buff/de-buff skills as well.
skills citadas acima reflete agora buff e debuff
The Sword Symphony skill can now affect other players, and its power and success rate have been increased.
skill citada acima afeta outro player e o poder de sucessso almentado.
The Mass Curse Fear effect and Word of Fear skill can now affect other players, and their re-use time has been increased.
Fear pode ser pego pelos outros players e o tempo de reuso da skill almentado
The effect of vampiric skills has been changed. These skills now absorb a certain percentage of the target’s remaining HP rather than certain percentage of inflicted damage.
skills vampirics foi alterado ahora absorve em porcentagem depende do hp ele da dano ou deixa de da dano
The target-cancelling effect of the Shock Blast skill has been improved, and its casting time has been reduced.
o target cancela o efeito da skill e o tempo de cast dela almenta algo assim rsrs ou nao
The Revival skill’s requirement has been changed from 5% HP to 10% HP.
skills de reviver revive agora com 10% do hp
The Lion Heart skill’s reuse time has been reduced.
skill citada acima tempo de reuso da skill almentado
Skills that previously targeted alliance members will now affect only immediate clan members.
skills que afetava antes apenas menbros de allianca agora afeta clan tambem
The Mana Burn and Mana Storm skills' power has been decreased, and their re-use time has been increased.
skill citadas acima power diminuido e reuso almentado
The Aura Sink and Seal of Gloom skills' power have been decreased.
skills citadas acima power foi diminuido
Players can now receive Heal and Recharge effects from a servitor during a duel.
players recebe skils de cura e recharge durante o /duel
The Holy Weapon skill's effect now affects magic skills as well.
skill citada agora afeta abilidades magicas
The displayed effect of some abnormal states (ie: ice, wind, fire, paralysis, petrification, MP-DoT) has been changed.
o modo como mostra as skill citadas foi alterado
The vampiric skills with the polearm weapons will now work differently. The amount of absorbed HP will be exponentially reduced after the first target. For example, the amount of absorbed HP gained from the second target will be less than that from the first, the third less than the second, and so on.
vampiric skills por polearm agora funciona diferente o valor absorvido reduzido pelo primeiro target
exemplo primeiro target absorve mais segundo menos terceiro menos ainda acho que foi isso rsrs
A bug has been fixed where the stacking of aggression occurred when using a spear to attack several monsters.
Only one attribute-related attack buff can be applied at a time. (For defense, several buffs can be applied.) For example, if a water-attributed attack buff is applied while having the fire-attributed attack buff, the effect of the fire-attributed attack buff will be cancelled.

essa nao vo traduzi uhahuahu

Pessoal nao confie na minha tradução tabajaras tive preguiça de usar um tradutor online usei meu ingles esquecido pelo tempo hahaha

Bom esse poste vai servi para players que vem de updates antigos


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Nota Fique Atento  Empty Hellbound

Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:08 am

Nao vo traduzi se nao vo fica aqui o dia todo vamos la

Skill Enchanting Changes

The types of skills that can be enchanted have been increased. Skills acquired before the third class change can be enchanted up to stage 30. Skills acquired after the third class change can be enchanted up to stage 15.

The issue with MP not being recovered correctly at some skill levels when the Sweeper skill is enchanted to Power route has been fixed.

Existing Skill Changes

The Over the Body skill’s use condition has been changed. In order to use the skill, your CP must be above 80%. When the skill is used, all of your CP are consumed.

The duration of the Divine Power skill has been shortened, and the amount of HP that the skill Heal restores has been greatly increased.

The range increases at certain skill levels for the Shoulder Charge, Blade Rush, and Storm Assault skills.

The Seed of Fire skill’s effect has been changed to increase your Fire elemental P. Atk.

The Seed of Water skill’s effect has been changed to increase your Water elemental P. Atk.

The Seed of Wind skill’s effect has been changed to increase your Wind elemental P. Atk.

The Final Form skill’s P. Atk., M. Atk., P. Def., and M. Def. have been greatly increased.

An additional effect for Aggression and Hate Aura has been added. This new effect has a chance to lock your enemy's target onto you for three seconds.

The use condition has been changed for the following skills so that they can be used without having to receive elemental energy; this results in the re-use time and power being changed for these skills: Aura Symphony, Inferno, Blizzard, Demon Wind, Elemental Assault, Elemental Symphony, and Elemental Storm

When the following skills are acquired, your magic attack resistance rate is increased: Magic Resistance, Magic Immunity, and Anti Magic

An Overlord's overall clan buff has been changed to also apply to the clan members’ summoned pets/servitors.

The amount of required SP to learn a skill for some Kamael classes has been changed.

The Harmony of Noblesse and Symphony of Noblesse skill effects have been changed. They are now buff skills that can be used only during a siege.

The following skills have been changed to passive skills (the effects are the same as before): Counter Chance, Counter Rapid Shot, Counter Dash, and Counter Mind

For the following post-level-40 skills, an additional effect has a chance to be triggered when you attack.

Blunt Mastery: Decreased skill MP consumption and increased stun attack success rate
Dagger Mastery: Decreased skill MP consumption and increased critical attack success rate
The enchant route of certain skills has been changed.

Aggression: Enchant Additional Defense --> Enchant Additional Attack (decreased target P. Atk.)
Hate Aura: Enchant Additional Defense --> Enchant Additional Attack (decreased target P. Atk.)
Shield Stun: Elemental Break Fire/Water/Wind/Earth --> Elemental Reduce Fire/Water/Wind/Earth (weakens the target's resistance to fire/water/wind/earth)
When the passive skill Counter Rapidshot is triggered while a crossbow is equipped, the attack speed increase will now apply.

The amount of Exp. and SP required for skill enchants have been partially changed.

The error where the Holy battle attribute increased when enchanting the Dance of Light skill has been corrected.

The duration and re-use time of the Seal of Blockade skill have been changed, and there is now additional damage done to the target (decreased duration, increased re-use time).

The error where Exp. didn't fully restore when a class with a low WIT using an augmented weapon with a resurrection option has been corrected.

The issue with the Harmony of Noblesse and Symphony of Noblesse skills not working properly for the owners of Bandit Stronghold and the Beast Farm clan hall during the battle has been fixed.

The issue with the skill casting effect not showing properly when mounted on a pet has been fixed.

The HP recovery penalty for the Kamael Guilted Body passive skill has been decreased from 30% to 5%. For example, the amount of HP that the Kamael will receive from a 1,000HP heal is increased from 700HP to 950HP.

The reuse time information for skills and items is now displayed as system messages.


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Nota Fique Atento  Empty Re: Nota Fique Atento

Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:10 am

Gracia Parte 1

Existing Skills

Skills with Newly-Added Effects

Deflect Arrow: An effect that decreases crossbow damage has been added.
Real Target: Maximum range is increased to 900, increased damage for bows is decreased, and when targeting an opponent, the buff can disappear.
Soul Cleanse: This has been changed to make its use possible between Kamael.
Bleed: An effect that decreases speed has been added.
Skills with Changes to Existing Effects

Shield Mastery: In addition to the effect of increased shield defense and the shield defense rate, physical P. Def. is also increased when heavy armor is equipped.
MP Regeneration: MP Regeneration has been increased for all Kamael.
Kamael: The maximum soul replenishing number has been increased to 40.
Soulless: There are no contract penalties when a Soulless is summoned.
Invincible-type skills: Beneficial buffs can be received while receiving each type of invincible skill.
Furious Soul: The evasion consumption penalty has been removed.
Protection of Rune, Protection of Elemental, Protection of Alignment: The passive effect has been increased, and upon activation, M. Def. and attribute defense are increased.
Archer's Will & Fighter's Will: The passive effect has been increased. When this effect procs, critical rate and skill power are increased.
Cleanse: The skill Cleanse can no longer cure Raid Curse, lethal poison, and several other debuffs.
Wild Magic (Skill): The magic critical rate has been adjusted.
Wild Magic (Item): The magic critical rate has been adjusted.
Dance of Siren: The magic critical rate has been adjusted.
Soul Cry: MP consumption has been decreased.
Hate: Power of the skill has been increased.
Skills with Decreased Casting Time

Cure Bleeding
Escape Shackle
Poison Recovery
Skills with Increased Duration

Counter Attack: Duration 5 -> 10 seconds
Dodge Attack: Duration 5 -> 10 seconds
Changes Applied to Short-Range Physical Skill's Power, MP Consumption, and Over-hit

The power of physical attack skills has been increased.
MP consumption for physical skills has been decreased.
Over-hit effect now applies to all powerful physical attack skills (e.g. Mortal Blow).
MP consumption for the following toggle-type skills has been increased: Accuracy, Silent Move, Guard Stance, Soul Guard, Vicious Stance, Shield Fortress, Fortitude, Parry Stance, War Frenzy, True Berserker, Strike Back, Hard March
Changes to Magic Damage Skills

Magic damage is no longer a static value.
The range of possible magic damage depends on the type of weapon being used.
Changes to Kamael Skills and Souls

Kamael skills can now be used without souls. However, the Final Form and Create Dark Seed skills still need souls to be used.
The skill power increases in accordance with the number of replenished souls. At this time, a maximum of 5 replenished souls are consumed.
Changes to Magic Critical Damage

The magic critical rate has been increased to 10 times.
The magic critical damage has been decreased to 3 times from 4 times of normal damage.
The magic critical damage rate has been adjusted so that its occurrence rate does not exceed a maximum of 20%.
Existing Skills Being Given to Other Classes

Abyss Walker: Lure
Bounty Hunter: Crystallize
Elder: Greater Group Heal
Phantom Summoner: Death Spike, Summon Cursed Bone, Curse Poison
Warsmith & Bounty Hunter: Fatal Strike


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Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:12 am

Gracia Parte 2

Once the "Invincible" skill effect is applied, it cannot be re-applied for a certain amount of time. Related skills include: Celestial Shield, Flames of Invincibility, Sonic Barrier, Force Barrier, Servitor Barrier, Sublime Self-Sacrifice

The bug concerning HP/MP not being fully restored when a character is revived using the "Salvation" skill has been fixed.


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Nota Fique Atento  Empty Re: Nota Fique Atento

Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:16 am


Changes to Existing Skills
The reuse time of player skills have been reduced to 1/4 and is no longer affected by the attack speed and casting speed.
The reuse time of the following skills has been changed to 1.2 seconds.
Blaze, Prominence, Death Spike, Aqua Swirl, Wind Strike, Twister, Hydro Blast, Frost Bolt, Ice Dagger, Hurricane, and Curse Death Link.
The reuse time for the following skills has been changed to 4 seconds and consumed Spirit Ore has been increased to 10:
Prophecy of Fire, Prophecy of Water, and Prophecy of Wind
The reuse time of the following skills has been changed to 15 minutes:
Ultimate Defense, Servitor Ultimate Defense, Ultimate Evasion, Vengeance, and Shield of Faith.
The reuse time of the following skills has been changed to 10 minutes:
Guts, Frenzy, Decoy, Quiver of Arrows: A/S, Quiver of Bolts: A/S, Summon Treasure Key, Summon Cursed Bones, and Summon CP Potion.
The reuse time of the Blessing of Eva has been changed to 30 minutes.
Changes have been made to the skills that modify the skill re-use time.
Quick Recovery: Previously reduced the re-use time by 30%, now 20%.
Song of Renewal: Previously reduced the re-use time by 30%, now 20%.
Song of Champion: Previously reduced the re-use time by 30%, now 10%.
Blessing of Sagittarius: Previously reduced the re-use time by 30%, now 20%.
Prophecy of Fire, Prophecy of Water, and Prophecy of Wind can now be cast on party members only.
When superior healing occurs from normal heal skills, it now heals the target 3 times more than usual.
The damage of instantaneous death effect from Lethal Shot and Lethal Blow has been decreased.
The success rate for the following skills has been increased:
Backstab, Deadly Blow, Blinding Blow, Critical Blow, and Lethal Blow.
The Hate skills of Knights no longer consume MP. Also the Knights' hate effect on general attack has been improved.
The ability to regain a certain amount of MP has been added to Orc Mages.
The reuse time and duration for the following Inspector skills has been changed:
Appetite for Destruction, Vampiric Impulse, Protection Instinct, and Mage Impulse: The reuse time has been decreased to ½ and the duration has been changed to 15 seconds.
Oblivion, Weak Constitution, Thin Skin, Enervation, Spite, and Mental Impoverish: The duration has been increased to 60 seconds.
Soul Harmony: The skill's duration has been increased to 15 seconds.
It has been changed so that Improved skills (ie: Improved Movement, Improved Condition, Improved Combat, etc.) have a chance of being cancelled by the following skills:
Warrior Bain, Mage Bain, Mass Warrior Bain, Mass Mage Bain, Block Wind Walk, Block Shield, Mass Block Wind Walk, and Mass Block Shield.
It has been changed so that clan skills used by the Overlord class can now be applied to party members.
The power of the Insane Crusher Skill has increased and Touch of Death-like effects have also been added to the skill.
The effect of Aggression and Aura of Hate are now maximized. Also, it now has 100% chance of changing enemy's target on PvP.
An effect which decreases resistance against close-range attacks has been added to the Tribunal and Judgement skills.
Touch of Shilen has been changed to Spirit of Shilen, and the skill's effect has been changed from a debuff type to a buff type.
The Touch of Death skill has been changed. A player's HP no longer has to be at 75% or lower to cast. In addition, the HP cost has been lowered while the success rate has been increased.
The threat value for the following skills has been decreased:
Major Heal, Major Group Heal, Greater Heal, Greater Battle Heal, and Greater Group Heal.
The acquiring level for the following skills has been changed from level 81 to level 82:
Protection of Rune, Protection of Elemental, and Protection of Alignment.
The defense power of the Kamael class has been strengthened as follows:
Probability to be hit by a critical attack has been decreased and the critical damage inflicted by enemies has been decreased.
Classes which can acquire the following skills has been added:
Sixth Sense: Phoenix Knight, Hell Knight, Eva's Templar, Shillien Templar, Trickster, and Soul Hound.
Expose Weak Point: Duelist, Dreadnought, Titan, Grand Khavatari, Fortune Seeker, Maestro, Soul Hound, and Doombringer.
The power of Inquisitor's attack skills has been changed.
In PvP situations, the power of Divine Flash and Divine Punishment skills have been decreased by 60%.
In PvE situations, the power of these skills has not changed.
The defense attribute of a summoner will be applied to both the summoner and the servitor.
With regard to the attack attribute value, 20% is still applied to the summoner and 80% is still applied to the servitor. This has not changed.
The following Warder skills have been changed as follows:
The reuse time of the skill Warp has been decreased considerably.
Warder acquires the 1st level of Furious Soul at level 24.
Warder acquires the 1st level of Ultimate Escape at level 36.
Arbalester now acquires the 2nd level of Ultimate Escape at level 52.
The Sublime Self-Sacrifice skill has changed as follows:
Fully recovers the HP/MP/CP of all party members (excluding yourself), and makes them invincible for 15 seconds.
In addition, the reuse time has been changed to 1 hour.
The Lightning Strike skill has been changed as follows:
It has been changed so that casting speed, attack speed, and physical speed are reduced for 15 seconds, after which time the player is paralyzed for an additional 10 seconds.
The Increase Range skill has been changed as follows:
2.2 - Level 1 = 150 increase, Level 2 = 300 increase
2.3 - Level 1 = 200 increase, Level 2 = 400 increase
The following skills have been improved:
Eye of Paagrio: Increase in accuracy and decrease in rate for being hit by a critical attack.
Soul of Paagrio: Increase in magic power and magic resistance.
It has been changed so that Battle Force and Spell Force are no longer required to cast Symbol skills (i.e. Symbol of Assassination, Purification Field, Flames of Invincibility, etc.)
Previously acquired Battle Force and Spell Force skills will be deleted and the original SP cost will be returned.
The amount of SP which will be returned is the original amount of SP spent right before the Gracia Final update.
The reuse time for Miracle Skill has been changed to 1 hour.
The reuse time for Purification Field has been changed to 30 minutes.
It has been changed so that invincible skill effects will be cancelled if one attacks or uses a skill while the invincible skill is active. Skills that are activated from augmented weapons and the like do not cancel the invincible effect.
The Blue Talisman of Invincibility has been changed to the Blue Talisman of Divine Protection.
When used, this talisman will now greatly increase the Pdef and Mdef for a short period of time.
The Hamstring skill has been changed to a physical skill and the casting time has been decreased.
The casting time for the Horror skill has been decreased and the success rate has been increased.
It has been changed so that the effect of Lord of Vampire will now stack with other Vampiric type buffs.
The additional affect of decreasing the resistance to polearm weapons has been added to the Provoke skill.
The effects of the Vampiric Mist skill have been changed.
In addition to absorbing some HP of nearby enemies, this skill now has a chance to debuff your enemies.
It has been changed so that one moves to the rear of their targeted enemy when the Shadow Step skill is used.
The level at which one can acquire the Throne Root skill has been lowered to level 80, and it was changed so that the skill can be acquired by a skill trainer.
The duration for Golem Armor has been changed to 5 minutes and the reuse delay has been changed to 1 hour.
Its power has increased as well.
Three kinds of new skills have been added to the Dark Panther skill set for Dark Avengers.
Panther Fatal Claw, Panther Dark Claw, and Panther Cancel.
The casting time for Remedy has been decreased.
Focus attack has been changed from a buff type skill to a toggle type skill.
The hate power of the Decoy skill has increased.
It has been changed so that the actions of a PC do not stop when a toggle skill is used.
The description for some skills has changed, giving players more detail about the skill's effect.
The effects and sounds of some skills have changed.
Effects for the following skills has changed:

Prophecy of Fire For 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase your party member's Max MP by 20%, HP recovery bonus by 20%, the rate of Prominent Damage occurring through damage magic by 2, the power of critical attacks by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buffs by 10%. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
Prophecy of Water For 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase the rate of Prominent Damage occurring through a party member's damage magic by 2, MP recovery bonus by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buffs by 10%. Decreases moving speed by 20% and MP consumption for skill use by 5%. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
Prophecy of Wind For 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase a party member's Max HP by 20%, rate of critical attack by 20%, rate of Prominent Damage through damage magic by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, and resistance to de-buff by 10%. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Bestows the ability to recover as HP 5% of the standard short-range physical damage inflicted on the enemy. Consumes 10 Spirit Ore.
Chant of Victory Recovers all party members' HP by 20%, and for 5 minutes, receives help from a great spirit to increase Max HP by 20%, the rate of Prominent Damage occurring through damage magic by 2, the rate of critical attack by 20%, P. Atk. by 10%, P. Def. by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 20%, M. Atk. by 20%, M. Def. by 20%, Casting Spd. by 20%, resistance to de-buffs by 10%, and accuracy by 4. Decreases moving speed by 20%. Consumes 40 Spirit Ore.
Victory of Pa'agrio Maximum CP/maximum MP/physical critical rate/magic critical damage/physical attack power/attack speed/magic power/magic resistance/magic speed/debuff resistance increase, moving speed decreases, and CP recovery effect.
Divine Enchanter Hero Spirit Maximum HP/magic critical rate/physical critical damage/phyiscal attack power/defense power/attack speed/magic power/magic resistance/magic speed/debuff resistance increase, moving speed decreases


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Nota Fique Atento  Empty Re: Nota Fique Atento

Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:21 am


Existing Skill Changes
A chance to score a Critical hit on use has been added to the following skills:
Triple Slash
Soul Breaker
Force Blaster
Double Strike
Fatal Strike
Armor Crush
Demonic Blade
Dance Full Swing
Sword Symphony
Burning Chop
Blade of Hurricane
Crush of Doom
Sonic Buster
Hammer Crush
Tribunal Force Burst
Spoil Crush
Double Sonic Slash
Thunder Storm
Sonic Blaster
Force Storm
Burning Fist
Psycho Symphony
Triple Sonic Slash
Shock Blast
Power Crush
Hurricane Assault
Punch of Doom
Sonic Storm
Force of Destruction

Power of skill has been increased for the following skills:
Blade Hurricane
Full Swing
Double Attack
Restore Life skill has been changed to not be used on an enemy target.
Orc Mage skill Burning Chop can be increased at levels 72& 74 now.
Mage classes that have learned Major Heal can now level this skill at level 75. It now goes to 11.
MP Recovery rate has been increased for the following skills: Focus Mind, Vital Force, Espirit


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Nota Fique Atento  Empty Re: Nota Fique Atento

Mensagem  Convidad Qua Jan 19, 2011 9:26 am

Changes to skills:

Aggression: Skill power has been increased by approximately 35%.
Magic Resistance: Magic Defense power has been increased by approximately 20%.
The Blessing of Eva and the Touch of Life skills can no longer be used on monsters.

Pessoal isso e apenas para enriquecer nossos players que vierao de servidores versoes antigas fiquem atentos saibe usa todos os recursos que sua classe disponibiliza
Obrigado pelos elogios caminhando para o melhor serve guild br tempos que fala que somo server guild se nao a ncsoft cai matando kkkkkkkk

Fica a frase : "Somos pequemos ainda mas com ideias infinitas e coração grande para conquistar a magia do lineage a muinto tempo perdida enjoy"

Pessoal desculpa os erros ortograficos alot kkkk


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